Transaction History


Using the API, you can query the transaction history for your account to return all credit transactions within a specified time frame. Credit amounts will be returned in your currency.

Retrieve Transaction History

GET /api/v2/account/getTransactionHistory
  • Endpoint:
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Requires Authentication? Yes
  • Required Parameters:
  • Optional Parameters:
    (string) startDate [datetime],
    (string) endDate [datetime],
    (int) page,
    (int) maxResults,
    (string) responseFormat [json|xml]

You may retrieve transaction history records for your account using this endpoint. You may optionally specify a startDate and/or endDate supplied as a datetime string. Most datetime formats are supported.

For result sets that exceed the maxResults value, you may specify a page number to retrieve data from outside the initial result set.

Note: maxResults has a maximum value of 1000.

Example Response